
Inspired Horizons is committed to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (IFO). Inspired Horizons collects personal information from you such as contact details when you inquire about our services in order to set up an appointment and in the case of psychological therapy other personal information such as GP details. This information will only be used in relation to the service being provided and will not be shared with other persons or organisations unless this is a legal requirement, safeguarding issue or perceived risk of harm and I would always endeavour to discuss this with you first.

Inspired Horizons is committed to ensure your data is secure and unauthorised access is prevented and we do this by having suitable physical and electronic procedures in place including locked filing cabinets, password protected computer with security protection software. Data is stored securely for a period of 7 years after which it is destroyed.

If you would like to see information held, correct or update records or have any concerns about your data, please contact me. I will do my best to resolve any concerns. If not resolved to your satisfaction you may choose to contact the ICO.
